Fed Notes v. Liberty Dollars

Thomas Ambassador

Keep in mind that money does not naturally exist on planet earth; it is a devise of man. Is it for economic exchange of goods and services, or is it used as a means for slavery?

Monopoly money created out of thin air just like United States Federal Reserve Notes. Notes = debt = I.O.U. Deceptive accounting: create all the money you want and add it to the national deficit for some future generation to pay (if possible!). This creates economic slavery. Evil government creates unsustainable society through war and massive dependency on materialism, and then charges the common man via taxes.

“A Federal Reserve audit shows that in the last 5 years they have secretly bailed out banks, corporations, and governments all around the world with over $16,000,000,000,000 (16 trillion).”

Feds versus Liberty Dollar court case: “Such a number of petitions is unprecedented in the experience of the office of the United States Attorney.” -Jill Westmoreland Rose Acting United States Atorney

Silver Certificates confiscated from Thomas.

Federal Government cheats Thomas Millington, Ambassador to Israel

The U. S. Government steals money through inflation. Inflation calculator “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. The Federal Reserve steals vast amounts from Americans regularly. It is done through its ability to create new dollars ‘out of thin air.’”  -Alan Greenspan, Former Federal Reserve Head 

Thomas’ association with Bernard von NotHaus Court Case. Bernard is mastermind to this moral money!

This modest house in Burlington, VT would have cost approximately $25,000 in the early 1970’s. The picture at right shows it’s worth presently around $455,000.
Holy Nation is God’s story