It is written: Christ Jesus, Yeshua: “If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. And if Satan is divided and rises against himself, he cannot stand; his end has come.” -Mark 3:24-26
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.” -1 John 2:22

America is neither a Christian Nation as a matter of law, nor is it based upon the pure teachings of Christ Jesus. America is mostly pagan Rome revived but has partial Christian elements in a multicultural nation- just enough to deceive most Christians. “American Unity” exists on paper only! You CANNOT save America politically as Donald Trump is trying to do at present! Now American might is taking over Gaza-WOE! America needs to come under the authority of Christ Jesus, Yeshua bathed in prayer and lots of repenting all throughout government and society at large. America needs a corrected foundation on Jesus and the eternal Holy Scripture! Healing for real!!!
“The builders of Rome …created one of the most civilized societies in the ancient world, ruled by elected executives (emphasis added) whose power was checked by a constitution so well crafted that it inspired the founding fathers of the United States of America. –Chronicle of the Roman Republic, by Philip Matyszak. “The city [of Rome] was constantly at war with its neighbors, and internally there was strife between aristocrats and the people, often embodied in disputes between their elected representatives- the consuls and the tribunes.” -Ibid.
“Only about two-in-ten Americans say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right.” –PRC
Present Reality: America is no better than the builders of Rome. American secular politics continue to result in factions and war, and endless schisms; You Tube example. Carnal human nature has not changed since the beginning of time, and attitudes of the human heart do not change with thousands of laws! For this reason, the world by way of individual choice, absolutely needs Christ Jesus because He has the power to transform lives!
The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly mention the Messianic and Christian God of Holy Scripture. At best, the Declaration of Independence has only generic appellations of God e.g. “Nature’s God,” “Creator,” and “Supreme Judge”. This is a grave departure from the wording in Holy Scripture. Jesus emphatically said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).” and “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me (John 18:37).” Christ Jesus is a known God, not an abstract god. No country venerates its “Founding Fathers” like the United States- to this Jesus says, “do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven (Matthew 23:9).”

“America is a nation deeply influenced by Christianity and the Bible, but this does not add up to a “Christian nation.” -Way of Life Bible College.

Trump Bible with Constitution is Detestable!

Test the spirits. The following is the main gate/door/entrance by which America’s demise was made certain! Article VI, paragraph 3, U.S. Constitution: “The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Understand that Constitutions devised by men are written documents far from being perfect no matter how well worded. The U. S. concept of government rejects Christ Jesus as King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
Forbes Magazine, December 8, 2003, an article entitled Holy Influence quoted Art Ally “that homosexuality led to the fall of the Roman Empire” … and “No nation in the history of the world has ever survived moral collapse.”
December 30, 2024- America Officially recognized the Bald Eagle. Compare Roman Eagle
Consequences of serving other kings.1 Samuel 8:6-22 “[The] intimate relation to God to the community accounts for the early history of Judaism as presenting an example of theocracy.” -Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, W. L. Reese

Example of multicultural, unevenly yoked pluralism – “[The] hypocritical nature of the United Nation’s membership includes Communist states and thus severs the cause of peace from its anchor in freedom and principle.” -Life Magazine, May 23, 1960; Vol. 48, No. 20, pg 34

“The United States today is caught in a moral dilemma: wanting to ‘do good’ without God, but only making our halls of government secular, amoral, and blind.” -Dr. Mike Evans, FOZ Magazine, 11-17; pg. 17
“Sooner or later everyone on this planet- rich, poor, skeptic and religious, president and pauper- will be forced to think about eternity.” -Dr. Mike Evans, FOZ Magazine, 11-17; pg. 17
Reverend Billy Graham Statue in Washington D.C. Caution: House Speaker Mike Johnson , is quoted (minute 1:24) “we can be a shining city upon a hill, and” (minute 2:53), “Graham was the leading Ambassador to our Kingdom…” Stop right here! This is not referring to Jesus’ Kingdom of Heaven. Washington D.C. opposes Christ Jesus! Jesus’ Kingdom is not of this world.
“The state must recognize that a fundamental system of values based on Christianity is the precondition for its existence.” And “The Scriptures always reject the fanaticism that tries to set up the Kingdom of God as a political project.” – Church, Ecumenism, & Politics, Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI © 2008
This Scripture pertains to America too: “Hear the word of the LORD, O children of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the people of the land: ‘There is no truth, no loving devotion, and no knowledge of God in the land!‘” -Hosea 4:1 No Jesus? Surely sin will be America’s demise!

“It’s clear that a ruling class governs our nation according to a far-Left ideology, which harms every-day, hardworking Americans.” -Hillsdale College
Be a part of Jesus’ Holy Nation because America is a failed experiment… sin abounds! “An immoral nation invites its own ruin.” -U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower; Quotationary, Leonard Frank. “… if you take away religion, you cannot hire enough police.” -February 8, 2011, Harvard Professor Clay Christensen, the Robert & Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School (Original source: William Federer)

“Our government is too big, too centralized, too powerful, too intrusive, too materialistic, too high tech, too globalized, too militarized, too imperialistic, too violent, too undemocratic, and too unresponsive to the needs of individual citizens and small communities. It is owned, operated and controlled by Corporate America. National and Congressional elections are bought and sold to the highest bidder.” -Thomas H. Naylor, 2ND VT Republic
“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…” -International Churchill Society
“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” -Colossians 2:8
“The Kingdom of Christ is separate from the kingdoms of this world. They can never be presumed to be one and the same, no matter what rationalization we try to make. The two operate with two different operating systems. The kingdom of this world centers on ‘ME,’ while the Kingdom of Christ centers on ‘HIM.’” … “The Kingdom of Christ is incompatible with a political system. Participation in politics by voting and/or holding office denies and confuses the two separate systems. Jesus simply said, ‘My Kingdom is not of this world.’” -Mennonite Holocaust Perpetrators?, Calvary Messenger Vol. 44 No. 3
“Biden and the radical Left are waging a secret war on our Christian faith – prayer, churches, Bible studies in senior living centers, and even Christian kids in school are all under attack. Biden is empowering anti-Christian forces to severely deplete your religious liberty. And it could destroy everything we’ve fought for. Placing spies in churches, making your bank report when you purchase a Bible, targeting “radical traditionalist” Christians, banning Bible studies – this is just the beginning.” –American Center for Law and Justice
“As our government continues to systematically plunder our People’s wealth, ignore constitutional checks and balances and destroy the last vestiges of Freedom, our nation continues its dangerous descent into debt, decay and despotism.” -We the People Foundation
“He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” -2 Samuel 23:3, KJV
Jesus invites you to learn from Him and not from mere men! “The rulers of this age and their wisdom are coming to nothing (1 Cor. 2:6).” Learn from a U. S. war general: “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians*. I really shudder for the future of our country. Someone must not only win the war, but also the peace.” -General George S. Patton Jr. –The Unknown Patton, Charles M. Province; page 99; ©1983. *politics- Factional scheming for power- Webster’s World Dictionary. “Jesus was fed up with politics too.”
On Wed. Dec. 14, 2016, 8:00 pm, Bill O’ Reilly, FOX News, said factually that all totalitarian States throughout history control[led] the schools and the minds of the masses. For those who may not know Mr. O’ Reilly, he is well studied and has written many best seller books (Review excerpt- Killing Jesus: “Jesus, the little guy, is an enemy of the big corrupt tax-oppressing Roman empire, which is itself just a version of Washington. Bill O’Reilly stated that he believes the book was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
America’s motto “In God We Trust” adopted in 1956 in large part was a rebuke of the Cold War era of the Soviet Union’s atheistic philosophies of Marxism, communism and socialism. People just cannot seem to learn from history… the “God” in the motto is vague and misleading... the Holy Bible is not the nation’s final authority.
Religion. Man’s relation to Divinity, to reverence, worship, obedience, and submission to mandates and precepts of supernatural or superior beings. In its broadest sense includes all forms of belief in the existence of superior beings exercising power over human beings by volition (the act or power of willing, choosing, or resolving), imposing rules of conduct, with future rewards and punishments. Bond uniting man to God, and a virtue (moral excellence) whose purpose is to render God worship due him as source of all being and principle of all government of things. -Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition
We live in a broken, sinful world with broken, sinful people (Romans 3:23), and as Christians, we know that we will encounter persecution in life. We cannot change people’s behavior (only Christ Jesus can); nevertheless, evil can only be overcome with good. Manmade government will never be able to enact or enforce enough laws to eradicate the issue.
Culture and eternal mastery are not what the average person thinks about; however, transmitting abundant life to each new generation is the natural order. Take for example American football- the basic rules, objective of the game, and name of a team can carry forward in time indefinitely, but the players are all new individuals over time.
An abomination! In 1904, by act of Congress, the Jefferson Bible which omitted miracles like Jesus’ resurrection was printed. “Each newly elected senator received a facsimile Jefferson Bible on the day that legislator took the oath of office.” -Smithsonian

“Patriotism or national pride is the ideology of love and devotion to a homeland, and a sense of alliance with other citizens who share the same values.” -Wikipedia
Pluralism- A condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist. -English Oxford Dictionary
Dangerous example– pluralistic -“[The] hypocritical nature of the United Nation’s membership includes Communist states and thus severs the cause of peace from its anchor in freedom and principle.” –Life Magazine, May 23, 1960; Vol. 48, No. 20, pg 34
Culture- development or improvement of the mind, morals, etc. ; the ways of living built up by a human group and transmitted to succeeding generations. (Critical commentary: Not all religions (moral obedience to a supreme Deity) are equal.
“The Roman Republic was one of the most civilized societies in the ancient world, ruled by elected officials whose power was checked by a constitution so well crafted that it inspired the founding fathers of the United States of America.” –Chronicles of the Roman Empire. So many men and powers have tried to rule the world without a true heart for God and deep understanding of sacred life; and, as a result, have habitually failed. Vatican is suggested as the central christian “eternal city”, but with its secular Roman underpinnings it too will fail. This is why there is so much habitual war and unrest amongst humanity! Jesus clearly stated that His Kingdom was from another place. The Holy Bible and Jesus’ teachings are missing from society! The citizens fail to live by God’s instructions. “Stop trusting in man…” Democracy Not Working!

Liars in Washington. “We’re directly battling the Biden Administration in 12 active lawsuits in federal court, and we’re already preparing our next round of lawsuits. But the Biden Deep State is desperately trying to get our cases thrown out. We must be getting close to SOMETHING BIG.” -American Center for Law and Justice (8-8-2021)

Beyond Treason. “Exposing crime & Government Corruption through the power of video.” “… the horrific underworld of the disposable army mentality.” Guantanamo Prison. Christ Jesus killed no one or tortured anyone. Christ Jesus decries and forbids war! It is written: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10
“In a nation shaped by Christian values, the ultimate authority is not God or his word. While Christian values may influence the creation of the laws, those laws or a constitution are the ultimate authority. In America, for example, when judges interpret laws, they don’t judge them based on how they align with scripture. They measure based on the laws that have already been written. There is no guarantee that those interpreting those laws will even acknowledge that Christian values shape them. A society shaped by Christian values points to a moral code people choose to live by. That code may or may not be directly part of the laws of the land.” – Movie: Time Changer– “teaching morality without Jesus as the standard would be detrimental to future generations.” Book: FREE INDEED, Living Life in Light of the Biblical View of Freedom

America was an experiment by secular elites from its inception via a republic/democracy. Its origins are from the Greco-Roman empires. The ideology that all religions and belief can come together under democracy is false and a lie. It destroyed a lot of unique diverse culture like the Native Indigenous People and assimilated them. There is one True God, not gods, and there is inherent freewill that must be exercised to master sin before sin master’s the man and the nation! Jesus’ Christianity saved civilization in the past, and it must save civilization again in the present times. Good news: The increase of Jesus’ government has no end (Isaiah 9:7.) Turn from sin America because you will never be great without Christ Jesus, Yeshua!

The one who has the Spirit of God knows that this present government (“American experiment”) cannot be directly derived or constructed from the Holy Bible! The “Founding Forefathers” had historical insight; however, evidently, they did not understand how to contain the evil or not use underhanded means themselves for conquering evil. Only Jesus deals with the root problem sin.
“The framers of the Constitution firmly believed in government under law. They wanted to protect the country from tyranny in any form. They believed that a misguided majority might be as dangerous to good government under law as a privileged minority or a power mad dictator.” -Rise of the American Nation, HBJ; (Retired Otter Valley Union High School Book, Brandon, Vermont
“Dark side Exposed. As a capitalistic institution, the United States is not a democratic society. It is a plutocratic nation governed by the rich for the rich. Although theoretically the government is the ultimate authority of a nation, in practice the ultimate power lies entirely in the hands of big industry headed by the weapons complex.” -Charles Mercieca, Ph.D., President, International Association of Educators for World Peace Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education. Read also Mockery of Christianity in America: “They censure Christ’s teaching by ignoring categorically everything Jesus taught that is not in line with their social agenda.” Understand Manmade Law, “the lowest form of law”!
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” -Proverbs 14:34
“The aim- understood by presidents, overlooked by many voters- is eternal mastery and control, which, naturally has a high price. Bacevich’s (*1) cool, balanced analysis is compelling, and recalls chilling words penned by James Madison (*2) in 1795: ‘Of all the dreaded enemies of public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies. From these proceed debt and taxes. And armies, debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.’” -Geoffrey Wawro, Professor of strategic studies at the U.S. Naval War college
(*1) Andrew J. Bacevich, Author of The New American Militarism How Americans Are Seduced By War; a graduate at West Point and a Vietnam Veteran among other honors.
(*2) James Madison was the most responsible for the U.S. Constitution
“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. -Matthew 12:25
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now My kingdom is not of this realm.” – John 18:36
“Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience… without God there is a coarsening of the society.” -Young America’s Foundation
If I Were the Devil (Paul Harvey 1965) “Cults invariably will attempt to get us away from the Bible and Christ our Savior and impose the authority of the cult leader over the Bible.” -Rick Kuntz
The U.S. Constitution is an imperfect writ (legal document ) devised of man; on the other hand, the Scriptures declare:
“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant , giving light to the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The ordinances of the Lord are all together righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. By them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” -Psalm 19:7-11
Evidence of the spiritual battle (03-5-12): “We have already lost our rights to do at least half of the things on that list as well as many others, to some extent! What is going on here? Simply this: Power-hungry government officials – backed by people with hidden agendas – have convinced us to sacrifice our freedoms bit by bit, always in the name of some supposedly noble cause (usually something to do with protecting us from some imaginary or greatly exaggerated danger). And with every change they gain a little more power; a little more control.” -Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
“I don’t want to reflect on my fellow politicians, but if every politician that ever lied was incapable of holding of service, I’m not too sure of how many we’d have left.” -James Jefford, Vermont (USA) Representative [career politician]; quote taken after a press conference; Burlington Free Press (year 2000)
America’s survival is to return to the Living God, Christ Jesus for:
It is written: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. -2 Chronicles 7:14
“However arrogant the world, Jesus Christ is King. There’s nothing anybody can do about it. Psalm 2 says ‘Why do the heathen rage? I have set my King upon my holy hill of Zion’. They may revolt, but His kingship and throne will never be moved. Democracy decreed Christ’s death but not His Kingship. ‘He IS Lord’. Some mistakenly assume Christians gain control of the cities and the nations, ‘binding their kings in chains’, so that Christ can take over. But we don’t organize the Kingdom of God and then invite Christ to rule. Only God the Father will do that. (Ps.2, Hebrews 1:13). The world wasn’t ready the first time, and won’t be ready the next time, but He will come just the same. He offers us the privilege of being in His kingdom. ‘Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” There will be a crowning day for those who live for Christ. (2 Timothy 4:8) He will crown them, but they will never crown Him. God’s richest blessings.” REINHARD BONNKE
“But that alliance was a poisoned chalice. It meant that from the very beginning the power of Western Christendom was based on hierarchical power in Roman style, with the pope substituting for Caesar, rather than on the covenantal style of biblical and Jewish politics.” ” … Catholicism has never done justice to the biblical and Jewish understanding of covenant…” -Taken from Impossible People by Os Guinness. Copyright (c) 2016 by Os Guinness. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426. ; page 159
“Western Democracy, as it functions today, is diluted Nazism or Fascism. At best it is merely a cloak to hide the Nazi and Fascist tendencies of imperialism.” -Mohandas K. Gandi, 1940
“All of the dictatorships glorified force. Compelling the people to work for ‘bullets rather than butter, they converted their industries to war production. Their major efforts were devoted to building powerful military machines.” -Rise of the American Nation, HBJ; 1982; This was recently in Otter Valley High School, Brandon, Vermont (USA) Cost of war in Dollars
“Huffington’s new book- Pigs at the Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption are Undermining America– documents how a select few are running government, and the economy, into the ground for the rest of us while reaping profits for themselves.” -As printed in the Brandon, Vermont , Brandon Bugle, Feb. 26, 2003; Vol. 7 No.40
“The most pernicious [treacherous/harmful] form of tyranny is that which disguises itself as a benefactor [kindly helper] to its victims.” -Robert L. Schulz
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are Free! ” -Johann W. von Goeth (1749-1832)