It is written: “because those who are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies to our spirit that we are God’s children.” -Romans 8: 14-16
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* Important Note: To ALL Brothers and Sisters in Christ- you need NOT have the decals or ID Card to be a reality part of God’s Holy Nation! Understanding Holy Nation

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Winston Riddles Spiritual Warfare0001
Winston Riddles Section 20001 Satan’s Angels
Winston Riddles Section 30001 The Manifestation of Satan’s Work in the World
Winston Riddles Section 40001 The Manifestation of Satan’s Work Through the Flesh
Winston Riddles Section 50001 The Manifestation of Satan’s Work in the Church
Winston Riddles Section 60001 Spiritual Strongholds
Winston Riddles Section 70001 The Mind: The Battlefield
Critical Note: The Living God is building unity amongst all People who profess Christ Jesus as Lord across the globe. The above pamphlets are not intended at all to criticize the true Catholic Believers in Christ Jesus; however, the political/religious structure (hierarchy) is not in true form to Eternal Holy Scripture! The pamphlets ought to bring greater unity with clarity of mind. Consider the following testimony from Catholic sources:
Angelo Paul Ramunni wrote The Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace to explain what it means to be a poor Catholic–which is someone who is missing the most important thing in life, a close personal friendship with Jesus. I consider myself to be the original “poor Catholic” because I purposely kept a distance between myself and God for 41 years of my life. I played religion, but had no genuine faith in Christ.
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