First Nations

Indigenous First Nation Peoples skeptical of Pope- Pope Francis in Canada! (…and should be!)

“But that alliance was a poisoned chalice. It meant that from the very beginning the power of Western Christendom was based on hierarchical power in Roman style, with the pope substituting for Caesar, rather than on the covenantal style of biblical and Jewish politics.” ” … Catholicism has never done justice to the biblical and Jewish understanding of covenant…” -Taken from Impossible People by Os Guinness. Copyright (c) 2016 by Os Guinness. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL  60515-1426. ; page 159

“Imperialism refers to the practice of forming and maintaining as empire through military, political, or economic conquest. … Although our nation was founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the story of how Native Americans were relentlessly forced to abandon their homes and lands and move into Indian territories to make room for American states is a story of arrogance, greed, and raw military power. … We have violated over three hundred treaties which we signed protecting the rights of American Indians.” -Secession, Thomas H. Naylor

Southwest Indian Foundation

Southwest Indian history test

Thomas Millington has worked with the Algonquian Wabanaki Nation and has had a peace ceremony with (now late) Hon. Dr. Pierre Fournier, H. E. Ambassador At Large for Indian Peoples in Americas from the former League of Nations (preceded the United Nations.) Dr. Fournier made clear that his grandfather had been killed by a “christian” to which I, Thomas, replied: “A misguided and lost person, not a true Christian, Jesus killed no one and taught no one to kill another.” The words were received in good faith by Hon. Dr. Pierre Fournier and the sacred ceremony commenced. (Critical Note: pictures and filming not allowed!)  Five Hundred Years of Injustice

Hon. Dr. Pierre Fournier Credentials
Thomas Ambassador (Left); Chief Reynold Choiniere (Middle)
Ambassador Thomas with Grand Chief David Hill “Chief Sly Wolf”, Algonquian Wabanaki Nation.
Canada Chief Abrey Pearly; Grande Chief David Hill, United Nations Recognized. (Photo taken by Thomas.)
Chief Reynold Choiniere, Chief Ralph Sweat
First Nations Rain Ministry
Flint Tecumseh Eagle present at Listuguj pow wow. Flint personally signed this photo for Thomas.
Sacred Ashes from Listuguj Canada Pow Wow
Chief in Israel
Abenaki Nation Signs like this have been displayed in the Burlington, VT area.