It is written: “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” -2 Corinthians 11:14
What Does the Masonic Lodge Teach About Jesus?
Breaking news: Viganò accuses Italian cardinal of connection to Freemasonry, says he ‘subjugated’ Benedict XVI
Goat symbolism in the Bible. “Goats represent the unrighteous in the parable of the sheep and goats.”
Jesus: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. -John 8:44. “The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” -1 John 3:8. Jesus: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10. Please watch 2 minutes video at right: Sin Destroys all Culture
PAY ATTENTION READER! Take a moment to understand the content of each hyperlink. Freemasons will not pass this Scriptural test: 1 John 4. Freemasons allude to be as moral, upright “Christians” but without humility and need of Jesus’ born anew experience. Proving themselves subtle wolves in sheep clothing, we discover that they have an evil intent to suppress the Gospel of Christ Jesus, Yeshua, and practice sin and ungodliness. Freemasons have internationally been proven to be a secret craft; their symbolism is satanism. To address conspiracy theory mind people head-on, the conspiracy is to eliminate Christ Jesus from society. It is a system designed to undermine faith in Christ Jesus and the ability to live Christianity openly unhindered. Freemason’s official website condemn themselves with these words: “To become a Mason, one only needs to be a man of good character and to believe in a God, whatever form that may take for each individual.” “Believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, although Freemasonry is not concerned with theological distinctions or particular religious beliefs.” “Freemasonry is not a religion or a substitute for religion.” Members will typically deny that they belong to the organization when expedient in their attempt to be elusive. So, how do they enter government? Answer: Through democracy/vote systems whereby ” but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.“ Compare the Bible on this issue. High Freemasons are totalitarian in spirit.
Jesus: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” -John-3:19-20 -NIV “And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.” -John-3:19-20 New Living Translation
Take note of historical failure: “The city [of Rome] was constantly at war with its neighbors, and internally there was strife between aristocrats and the people, often embodied in disputes between their elected representatives- the consuls and the tribunes.” –Chronicle of the Roman Republic, Philip Matyszak. The same is true in America’s democracy!
On the side of Jesus’ Kingdom
^ Jesus’ Kingdom
“Elite Secret Clubs have always influenced society. First they build power, then they bend others to help them, knowingly or in ignorance, to consolidate and expand their power base. Then they destroy society. Some of them already control the world.” -The Secret Societies Handbook, Michael Bradley
“I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this United States and doing away the Constitution, because they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W.II (and before that too.) Don’t think for a moment you are going to vote the Illuminati out of office. They control the major and minor political parties. They control the process of government, they control the process of information flow, they control the process of creating money, and finally they control Christendom. (God however controls the hearts of His people. And the perfect love of His followers casts out fear, for a spirit of fear does not come from the God.)” – Bloodlines of the Illuminati
“The Preamble and the stated Purposes of the U.N. contain many statements in which Americans can take pride, since they could never have been written had not America long preached and exemplified them— most notably the declaration of “equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small.” Yet this declaration is made hypocritical by the nature of the U.N.’s membership, which includes Communist states and thus severs the cause of peace from its anchor in freedom and principle. The word “righteousness,” which to Wilson as to T.R. was synonymous with the higher patriotism, was not popularized by F.D.R., is not used in the U.N. charter and is seldom heard in its debates.” -LIFE Magazine, May 23, 1960; Vol.48, No.20, Page 34
Biblical John of Patmos took heat from the Roman government for preaching and was exiled to the island of Patmos, Greece. John wrote the book of Revelation while in jail there.
How ungodly empirical political power has been built in the past and present: “Just as the Assyrians exiled the Ten Northern Tribes to foreign lands, they also brought foreigners and settled them in Israel. The idea was that a group of people in a strange environment with no ties to the land were more likely to be loyal to the imperial government than natives who had deep roots and a history of independence on their land.” -The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus, Nehemia Gordon
It comes down to Roman state and false religious system versus God’s True Church– Jesus’ Bride! America “The Great Satan” and Israel the “Little Satan” is because of the stealthy illusion of true Christianity. Most people cannot discern false from true- this page ought to help you!
Nimrod, Noah’s Great Grandson, and Freemasonry
Freemasonry Under the Nazi Regime
Inside the Private “Congressional Prayer Room” Hidden in the U.S. Capitol (
The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy
“The Holy Roman Empire is not just a relic of history.
It is about to play a central role in world events.” The idea that a man can aspire to deify self is blasphemy– Apart from Christ you can do nothing (John 15:5).
Vermont Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy (Roman Catholic) opposes Israel according to Dr. Michael Evans (JPT). See video interview minute 1:40. Roman Senate.
Who is this person? Jesuit educated “Leaky” Patrick Leahy. A military side to Jesuits. On the flip side: Leahy Center; Leahy International Airport. What’s up with all of Patrick Leahy’s notoriety and prestige?
House of the Temple, Washington D. C.
“Washington’s National Mall is like a secular temple for the nation. It’s like the forum of ancient Rome and the acropolis of Athens, where the seat of power resides and national history is enshrined.” –Beyond Today Magazine
The State of Vermont Motor Vehicle Department issues special plates with the Freemason insignia, Lions and Rotory insignias, but will not tolerate Christian JN36TN (John 3:16) as desired by a Rutland Vermont citizen! This issue was a forced challenged in court: Headline: Driver sues state [of Vermont] for rejecting religious license plate -Rutland Herald January 20, 2010
Headline: U.S. court turns down ‘JN36TN’ “Vermont regulations state license plates are not allowed to have a combination of letters or numbers that refer to any language to race, religion, color, deity, ethnic heritage, gender, sexual orientation, disability status or political affiliation. … request would have been ‘permissible’ to the state DMV if it had a nonreligious meaning such as ‘John, 36 year old, Tennessee.” -Rutland Herald 09-01-2005
The HAMAS are correct when saying: “The Zionist invasion is a vicious invasion… It relies greatly in its infiltration and espionage operations on the secret organizations it gave rise to, such as the Freemasons, The Rotary and Lions clubs, and other sabotage groups. All these organizations, whether secret or open, work in the interest of Zionism and according to its instructions…” –The International Jerusalem Post , January 6-12, 2006, page 17; Key points from the [Islamic] HAMAS 1988 charter. Origins of Freemasonry
Bringing attention to an anti Jewish/Christian sentiment as published by the Jerusalem Report, March 7, 2005, page 2: Avrahaum Segol on December 1, 2004, informed “President Bush and the Supreme Court that a sculpture of Moses holding the ‘Ten Commandments’, part of the courtroom’s northern frieze, parts of commandments six through eight, in Hebrew lettering, are recognizable. In each, the Hebrew word Lo which translates in all religious traditions and translations as ‘Thou shalt not…’ happens to be missing, covered by Moses’ beard and robe! Indeed, chiseled in marble upon the walls of the highest court of the land is: Thou shalt murder, Thou shalt commit adultery, Steal. The Supreme Court has known about this scandal since 1997 and elected to never publicly disclose the fact.”
How ungodly empirical political power has been built in the past and present: “Just as the Assyrians exiled the Ten Northern Tribes to foreign lands, they also brought foreigners and settled them in Israel. The idea was that a group of people in a strange environment with no ties to the land were more likely to be loyal to the imperial government than natives who had deep roots and a history of independence on their land.” -The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus, Nehemia Gordon
“But that alliance was a poisoned chalice. It meant that from the very beginning the power of Western Christendom was based on hierarchical power in Roman style, with the pope substituting for Caesar, rather than on the covenantal style of biblical and Jewish politics.” ” … Catholicism has never done justice to the biblical and Jewish understanding of covenant…” -Taken from Impossible People by Os Guinness. Copyright (c) 2016 by Os Guinness. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426. ; page 159