Inevitably there came the temptations of power and prosperity within the [Roman Catholic, “Universal”] church and opposition to its growing power and prosperity from without. Then came the Reformation. Roman Catholic scholars readily admit that there were corrupt individuals within the church, that many of its members had sinned and that some of its hierarchy had done wrong, and that reform was necessary. Indeed, reform was under way before the Reformation broke; Martin Luther himself was a Catholic reformer within the church before he became a Protestant. Erasmus and Savonarola wrote and preached against the corruption and worldliness of certain Roman Catholic leaders and laymen, but they stayed within the church. That all these reformers had a case against the members of the Roman Church is not denied by the Roman Catholics; they do, however, maintain that while priests and bishops and even popes may err, the one true church cannot err, and that Luther was wrong in rebelling against the church. But rebel he did, and the Roman Church suffered its most fateful division. (Continue reading below.)
Why so many apologies if truly representing Jesus and His love?
“the Catholic Church does NOT endorse one particular understanding of salvation.” The evangelistic Church has Biblical explanation of Salvation.

There were, too, other reasons for the revolt. There was the growth of nationalism and secularism, the ambitions of political princes and rulers with great personal ambitions who wanted no interference from the church. And there was the Renaissance, with its revival of Greek and Roman pagan influences and emphases. All these forces worked together to produce the Reformation; even the Counter Reformation already at work within the structure of the Roman Church, which came to a head in the Council of Trent, could not stop it, for the Protestant insistence upon Christ as the head of the Christian church, the Bible as its authority, the Holy Spirit as its inspiration, the fellowship of its membership as its strength, personal experience in Christ as the way to salvation, and the right of individual interpretation of the Scriptures denied too much of the authority and dogma of Roman Catholic church for any compromise to be effective. -Protestant Churches,-Handbook of Denominations, Frank S. Mead, pg 196; © 1961

“Abandonment of early pacifist principles began at the conversion of Constantine from paganism to Christianity. He virtually made the church an agency of Roman State, and abandoning her anti-military convictions.” -C. J. Cadoux, historian
Are you kidding me? It takes 1000 years for the Roman Church to get it right? Jesus said 2000 years ago, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
The Popes True Revolution (excerpt):”But what made this document revolutionary was its total renunciation of the use of coercion [government by force] in defense of the truth [Holy Scripture]. It overturned a tradition of sanctioned violence that went back to Constantine and St. Augustine. [Pope] Paul VI made its meaning explicit by going to the United Nations General Assembly to declare, ‘No more war! War never again!’ This was a reversal of Pope Urban II’s 1095 call for the Crusades: “God wills it!’” -TIME, April 11, 2005