Sold Out on Jesus’ Love

“To employ soft words and honeyed phrases in discussing questions of everlasting importance; to deal with errors that strike at the foundations of all human hope as if they were harmless and venial [capable of being forgiven] mistakes; to bless where God disapproves, and to make apologies where He calls us to stand up like men and assert, though it may be the aptest method of securing popular applause in a sophistical age, is cruelty to man and treachery to Heaven. Those who on such subjects attach more importance to the rules of courtesy than they do to the measures of truth do not defend the citadel, but betray it into the hands of its enemies. Love for Christ and for the souls for whom He died will be the exact measure of our zeal in exposing the dangers by which men’s souls are ensnared. -George Sayles Bishop, 1885  –THORNWELL

Carnal Secular rule versus Jesus Rule


Christian Flag. “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Saviour for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.”
Franklin Graham- Leading America through the sinners prayer on Primetime television.
“You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.” -1 Corinthians 7:23
Holy Nation is God’s story