It is written: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight.” -Isaiah 5:20-21
When Noah Webster first published his 1828 American Dictionary Of The English Language, he understood that whomever defined the words of a culture would capture that culture. So he gave the American people a dictionary in which words have meaning in terms of their relationship to Jesus Christ. In fact, this is the only comprehensive dictionary of the English language in print that seeks to communicate a distinctively biblical world view, even to the point of using Scriptures in the definitions. Lexicography– the writing, editing, or compiling of dictionaries.
A most divisive word nowadays is the word marriage. Marriage means one male and one female partner in Christianity. In liberal political thinking (contrary to Holy Scripture), marriage is now intended to mean either two male partners or two female partners. The fundamental difference is obvious- the natural order of one man and one female can reproduce.
“This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the [Holy] Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” -1 Corinthians 2:13, 14
Language is key for a nation’s survival. An unalterable foundation of words must be laid to unite, preserve knowledge, and govern. Because Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8), a follower of His must rely on a Holy Bible and its complete historical language for daily and life-long spiritual guidance. In a pluralistic nation like the United States, however, language is defined by multiple sources of authority, each of whom express perspectives and employ jargon intended to woo a person’s allegiance. The fierce competition between Church and State is an age-old case in point, with each perspective conveying a different aspiration for life. Understand that society overall is directly and intimately influenced by the predominate language, and by those who have the greatest ability to control the airwaves. Having said that, the person who listens to Jesus’ whispering words is on the side of truthful reality (John 18:37).
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” -Hebrews 13:8
communicate- to make known; to give or interchange thoughts, information, etc.
semantics- study of the meaning in language, including historical changes in meaning and form.; the branch of semiotics dealing with the relationship between signs or symbols and what they denote (indicate).
slang– very informal vocabulary that is characteristically more metaphorical (symbolic), playful, vivid, and ephemeral (temporary) than ordinary language. e.g. Slang- “hot” means stolen in contrast to common usage where hot meaning high temperature.
From Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition: Preface- A Final Word of Caution- The language of the law is ever-changing as the courts, Congress, state legislatures, and administrative agencies continue to define, redefine and expand legal words and terms. Furthermore, many legal terms are subject to variations from state to state and again can differ under federal laws. Also, the type of legal issue, dispute, or transaction involved can affect a given definition usage. Accordingly, a legal dictionary should only be used as a “starting point” for definitions. Additional research should follow for state or federal variations, for further or later court interpretations, and for specific applications. Helpful sources for supplemental research are “Words and Phrases” and WESTLAW. THE PUBLISHER -West Publishing Co.; Copyright 1990
A covenant is not a contract! Compare: Covenant– the conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in Scripture. Random House Webster’s Dictionary © 2001. Contract- an agreement, especially one enforceable by law. Random House Webster’s Dictionary © 2001.
The Power Of The Word, Ideology and Education “A tiny little difference in the wording can make for a massive difference in the way in which something is understood. Take, for example, the use of the words “refugee camp”. This expression conjures up a camp packed with tents and with no electricity running water or sewage systems. Of course, the reality is entirely different – Gaza [Israel] is to all intents and purposes a city, with high rise blocks, electricity, television, roads, cars and all the rest. So absolutely different from the term “refugees” that we bandy about. If we actually consider the word “refugee”, it describes a person who has been forced to leave his home and look for another place to live. In the last century there were tens of millions of refugees in Europe. They all found a new place and a new home. It’s only here, even after 60 years have gone by, that we call people “refugees” when they own a house and enjoy autonomy and self rule, have their own land, electricity, water, television, elections institutions of power. How is it that their numbers have only increased? How can you call someone a “refugee” when he lives in the place where he was born? This is just another example of the harm we can cause ourselves. The wrong choice of words, concepts and definitions is having us play right into the hands of our enemies’ propaganda.” -Holocaust survivor, Alex Hurwitz; Jerusalem Post February 22, 2008
It is not possible to maintain a nation or culture where there is not stability; that is, where law and order is firmly and righteously established. Words in language must mean what they say, and say what they mean! e.g. A speed limit for automobile drivers is absolute for safety and is not a mere suggestion. Red signals mean “stop” and green signals mean “go.” The law of gravity is stable and predictable or how else could the flight of an airplane be possible? Is it not God’s design that hold all things together? Do not all human beings react in defense when abused or violated? Are school shootings good or evil? So, whatever word is assigned for the comprehension of a matter, it must remain constant or else confusion erupts, and communication is unintelligible.

read– look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed.
comprehension– the action or capability of understanding something.
“All day long they twist my words; all their schemes are for my ruin.” -Psalm 56:5
“He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.” -2 Peter 3:16
“But you must not mention ‘a message from the LORD’ again, because each one’s word becomes their own message. So you distort the words of the living God, the LORD Almighty, our God.” -Jeremiah 23:36