Vermont”berg” Exploit

I am Thomas, a watchman on a high tower. The foundation of the Holy Bible’s God is theocracy and love, not democracy and freedom; God’s righteousness versus the man of sin. IF you are having trouble understanding your present-day government, you are not alone, and here is why: Many people do not know the truth as to what is written in Holy Scripture: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” –Ephesians 6:12 “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan.” -Proverbs 29:2, NLT “Only about two-in-ten Americans say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right.-Pew Research. The corruption in Vermont is also blatant as the leaders attempt to be like the Highest with money as its idol. No man is God no matter his efforts. This is why we all look to Jesus because He is God. Go to legal recognition of His Church. Vermont Government prefers that you live in fear and remain enslaved to them throughout life with their secular narrative of life, but their false gods and secular beliefs lead to drudgery and always keep citizens in fear of what comes after death. Not so with Jesus!

Christ Jesus- likeness only
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 “For no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 3:11 “Jesus always lives to intercede for them.” -Hebrews 7:25b Jesus, Yeshua: Savior of the World

It is written: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress* the truth by their wickedness since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.” -Romans 1:17-21 SEVERE WARNING: Those people who mock the Living God and delight in evil, sin, and teach lies- there is no statute of limitations with the Living God: Hebrews 9:27. “And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” –Matthew 25:46

*suppress- to put down by authority or force; to keep from public knowledge such as a. keep secret b. to stop or prohibit the publication or revelation of; to exclude from consciousness. I have personally been held in “contempt of court” for bringing up my religious convictions in a Rutland, Vermont Courthouse (Judge Nancy Corsones).

Repent and live! Be Born Anew

Robert Muller, a former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, is quoted “In the battle between forces of good and evil (emphasis added) on this planet, no one can be neutral, you want to take sides.” -Ode Magazine Jesus: “Whoever is not for me is against me.” -Matthew 12:30

Religion and the Founding of the United States

Secular State: “When the government and legal system is separated from control of the priests or the religious establishment. The state’s values are based on systems not overtly drawn from religious examples … Communist States …are typically secular.” DK, The Book of Rule

BEYOND DISTRUST: How Americans view their government

“If the 20th Century has taught us anything, it is that atheistic, communist regimes produce the cruelest acts and most tyrannical of governments, denying the sovereignty of God and the dignity of every man.” – Judicial Tyranny, the new kings of America, Mark I. Sunderland, et. al. (Who assembled a wonderful cast of Christian attorneys, jurists, political scientists, and clergy.)

“It seems to me this legislative session it has not been just a drift, it’s been a very dramatic shift. We seem to have taken a quantum leap in a direction that is not positive for the people of our state.” Former Governor Jim Douglas 3-19-24. Thomas’s commentary: Let’s get real about godlessness, communism, and sin… keep reading below…

Go to Exploit Announcement

Freemasonry VermontVermont is run by secret society (evil) misrepresenting the Bible and excluding Jesus. Anti-Christ definition. What Does the Masonic Lodge Teach About Jesus?

Freemasons practice syncretism– beware! Freemasonry’s deity the “Great Architect of the Universe” can he worshiped by all men, whether they are Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, or Hindus, without controversy. – Albert Pike, 33-degree Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry 1966, p. 226; and Albert Mackey, 33-degree Mackey’s Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 1966, pp. 8-9. Christianity is NOT unequally yoked with unbelievers!

Corrupt money Freemason created out of thin air

Comparison false Gospel versus True Gospel

Vermont Oath

Learn from History! Economic Slave Politics

Satan’s Strategies to Defeat God’s People

“Vermont for Jesus.” Here is the true narrative: The eternal Kingdom of Christ Jesus (a loving, peaceful, and personal Kingdom well established) has been usurped by the VT evils in power in an attempt to push the eternal words of the Living God and His Church towards irrelevancy in the public square. VT evils use avoidance with the Church to attempt to retain power. They desire for the common folk to appear to be rebellious or a revolution when the reverse is true (Government de jure v. government de facto). Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition defines Revolution – “used to designate a sweeping change in a method or system of government, or the power that controls the government. It is frequently accomplished by or accompanied by violent actsbut it need not be violent in its methods and it does not necessarily denote force or violence.” (emphasis added). AWAKE! Jesus did not use violence, hate, secrecy, or deception for Believers to follow his government. The common man can plainly understand Jesus’ teachings and loving example!

The late Pope John Paul II “loathed totalitarianism- ‘substitute religion.’” -Vermont Rutland Herald, 4-3-05. “The state must recognize that a fundamental system of values based on Christianity is the precondition for its existence.” – Church, Ecumenism, & Politics, Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI © 2008

Those who pulled the strings that led to war was not acceptable. It is precisely this situation that the U.S. chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trial, Robert Jackson, had in mind when he said in his opening speech on November 21, 1945:
“Let me make clear that while this law is first applied against German aggressors, the law, if it is to serve a useful purpose, must condemn aggression by any other nations, including those which sit here now in judgment. We are able to do away with domestic tyranny and violence and aggression by those in power against the rights of their own people (emphasis added) only when we make all men answerable to the law.” United States Holocaust Museum

Government de jure versus government de facto

Treason Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

Local Vermonter’s testimony to Communist takeover.

Congress entered in 1882. Preface: “Study the Holy Scriptures. Therein are contained the words of eternal life. They have God for their author, salvation for their end, and truth without any mixture of error for their matter.
2021 LIFE Magazine: How bad people think. The Minds of Men

WCAX: Church “under siege”

7 Days: Rising Drug Use and Safety Concerns

First United Methodist Church steps vandalized- God’s Holy Ground

Enemies within the Church

The value of an eternal soul

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” -Hebrews 13:8. His doctrines have been the same over two millennia! His Church. “Under the influence of the Church, civilization flourished.” -Before America Began; page 207

“The Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted for it one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking,  worshipping men.” –A.W. Tozer

A free-church is the opposite of a State-Church.

ACCUSATION: “We are governing not by God’s standard, or even a Constitutional standard, but by the whims of men.” -Christian Action Ministry, A Conservative Jew and a Contemporary Christian Critique America; July-Aug. 2023, Vol. 33, Number 04.

National complaint from Chuck ColsonIn Vermont, a prison chaplain was told he could no longer offer PF’s newspaper, Inside Journal, because it ‘advocates’ a particular religion.” –Jubilee Extra, February 2005, page 7 As subtle as this sounds, it is a clear manifestation of evil doers!

Picture: Franklin Graham ad on National TV 8-20-24 offering Jesus’ salvation message. Satan’s Religion A war of ideologies is being waged throughout the world, a war of the secular against the spiritual. -Billy Graham

“Whereas the mindset of Jesus was deeply trenched in the culture of peace, the mindset of most of our US government officials is deeply ingrained in the culture of war.” America in True Perspective –Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. President International Association of Educators for World Peace Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education, Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament

100% rule by man (tyranny) <  Jesus Christ’s rule (theocracy)  > 100% freedom (lawlessness)

The Church Subjugated by the State? This is why statists hate Christ and hate Christianity – because a true Christianity cannot be subjugated by the state. Christians will not bow down to false gods.

“The victory for freedom of thought recorded in our Bill of Rights recognizes that in the domain of conscience there is a moral power higher than the State. Throughout the ages, men have suffered death rather than subordinate their allegiance to God to the authority of the State. Freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment is the product of that struggle.” Supreme Court of the United States, Girouard v. US, April 22, 1946

Vermont’s sins

Governor’s accountability

Professor Thomas Naylor, 2nd Vermont Republic: We Have Lost our Soul
Thomas to Thomas Letter

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we’re halfway through the last quarter of 2019. This year, we spent over $78,000 in legal battles. To some of our enemies, this is nothing. It’s a drop in the bucket for organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, and not even a drop in the bucket for a company like MasterCard. For a nonprofit like ours, that kind of money is make or break. -Freedom Center, David Horowitz

Burlington Mayor Promoting Prostitution

It is written: “Everyone who does evil hates the light [of Jesus], and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.”John 3:20

Antichrist Defined: “The word antichrist has a twofold significance. The first is against (i.e., in opposition to) Christ: the second significance is instead (i.e., a counterfeit) of Christ. In the first sense the expression is a general one, which would apply to any enemy opposing Christ. In this sense all the Pagan emperors and all non-Christian religions have been antichrists- opposers of Christ. However, it is not in this sense that the Scriptures use the name The Antichrist. They pass over all such enemies of the faith, and apply the term Antichrist in the sense of its secondary meaning- misrepresenting, counterfeiting, taking the place of the true Christ. In other words, usurping the position of Christ.”

Vermont’s State flag boasts “Freedom and Unity”; however, freedom is elusive, and there is no reality to unity in Vermont- unity exists only on “paper” with hollow and empty word. (Click on the green sign and see the word “controversial.”) The issues that divide government and the people are many! Sinful people administer secular governments and are always plagued with frailty, sin, and poor decisions. There is an obvious contrasting divide between secular and religious folk. A Greek goddess upon the VT Capitol dome is idolatry to Jesus. By choice, Vermont government is the enemy of God and the people of God; that is, Vermont Government is wicked and habitually acts unscrupulously towards Jesus’ Holy Nation. Taxes are levied and used contrary to the teachings of Christ Jesus, Yeshua. His Bride the Church.

VT government’s suppression of God’s Holy Word is responsible for shrinking God’s Church through deceptive means!
The secular State of Vermont is responsible for the crime and misconduct of citizens by not holding all citizens to a conscience to a moral God. “The state excludes the Church from everything which it considers as belonging to the political sphere. At the same time the Church is expected to shrivel up into nothing.”Hitler’s Cross, Erwin W. Lutzer; pg 199

The word Trial is now Exploit in this page title. Vermont is the least religious State in the Union and the problems created by State authorities are so gross that voting for new candidates, legislating more law, and throwing money at the problems will not give society resolve. Manmade law versus Divine law. The True Church of Christ Jesus has no allegiance to the State of Vermont because it is blasphemous towards the Biblical teachings of Christ Jesus. “The Christian’s primary allegiance is always to Jesus Christ. Christians proclaim Him Lord, recognize Him as their legitimate King, and live as citizens of His kingdom first and foremost. The demands of human government are always secondary to the demands of Christ and His Kingdom—as the lives of countless martyrs and the persecuted church past and present attest.” -Chuck Colson. Vermont government stands in the way of sinners and is habitually in a state of chaos. “They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!”2 Timothy 3:5 NLT.

“A powerful State has always been a threat to the existence and influence of the church. Whether the threat be Nazism, Communism, or humanism, a state that is hostile to religion will always attempt to push the church toward forced irrelevancy.  … As the state expands its powers, it can initiate laws that limit the church’s freedoms. The state excludes the Church from everything which it considers as belonging to the political sphere. At the same time the Church is expected to shrivel up into nothing.”Hitler’s Cross, Erwin W. Lutzer; pg 199

Tyranny captured in real time
Vermont Copper– created by Freemasons
LIFE Magazine circa 1960
Christianity is not capitalism
Sample page inside Freemason Bible
Christ Jesus forbids oath taking
Is this the Bible they take an oath on?

DO NOT mix the flawed Constitutions of sinful men with the Holy Bible. America’s government IS NOT in line with Jesus and Scripture! Constitutions create secular government. Jesus did not endorse anything except God’s Word. Jesus said plainly, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place”… Everyone on the side of truth listens to Jesus.” -John 18:3637 “Whereas the mindset of Jesus was deeply trenched in the culture of peace, the mindset of most of our US government officials is deeply ingrained in the culture of war.” America in True Perspective –Charles Mercieca, Ph.D. President International Association of Educators for World Peace Dedicated to United Nations Goals of Peace Education, Environmental Protection, Human Rights & Disarmament

Formation of the State

Oath of Allegiance/Oath of Office: “[I] will not, directly or indirectly, do any act or thing injurious to the Constitution or Government thereof. …. so help me God.” As a matter of VT Constitution history: July 8, 1777, the Oath for the house of representatives read, “[I] do solemnly swear, by the ever living God…And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration…” Vermont government having departed from Biblical teachings is largely responsible for all of the decadence that is now manifesting in the State against the Living God, Christ Jesus, the Holy one of Israel. This is blasphemous and damning!

Law definition Oath

Commentary on oath: There are weighty and profound words in the oath (at left) and in the Proclamation (below right) that cannot be overlooked because they imply accountability and demand the highest and utmost of righteous character. Good and evil is a reality, not a creation of Hollywood; therefore, trust must be earned, and not given in “blind obedience.” The F-35’s shaking the greater Burlington neighborhood are nuclear capable. Don’t you really want to know what spiritually is at stake (good versus evil)? You must! Many laborers in Jesus’ name are bringing God’s Kingdom of shalom. Please respond positively to them! Remember, we’re talking life on planet earth, the only place in the Universe known to man that supports life.

Hand delivered to resident house 12-2-23.

Breaking news: “It’s tremendously frustrating,” Burlington Police Chief Jon Murad said. “It’s frustrating for the officers. It’s frustrating for people who want safety in this town, who understand that when someone victimizes another person in a violent way, who harms another person in this way, jail is the appropriate place for that person, at least until arraignment.” -WCAX Channel 3 News

These regimes fund themselves with money created out of thin air! Money becomes the “life” stimulus of economic activity for survival. (We all know that there are cultures that did not use money.) American money is controlled by evil men who foist it upon the people. Never, ever think that this “Novus Ordo Seculorum” (translates to “New Order of the Ages.”) of carnal men builds Jesus’ Kingdom of Heaven! Keep in mind that money does not exist naturally on planet earth.

A face-to-face demand of Governor Phil Scott , in Truth and in love, to explain the anti-Jesus/Christian policies manifesting from Vermont’s powerful, but accountable, leaders. A public audience (not controlled by manmade secular courts) will give witness. He shall be denied counsel and will be required to speak on his own to answer eternal matters as it pertains to the Church of Christ Jesus as he referenced Holy Scripture by proclamation on the 70th National Day of Prayer (see below right.) It is written: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Governor Phil Scott, as any governor before or after him, has effect on the lives of +/- 650,000 inhabitants in the State. Governor Scott’s conduct reveals that he is neither capable of discerning spiritual issues nor predetermining the impact of weighty executive orders (e.g. COVID19; marijuana; courts and justice). Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger equally corrupt having attempted to legalize prostitution. Secular, atheistic communism is working in the administration. Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures, or the Federal and State Constitutions, are there powers granted to the servants of government to promote vice (§ 68 VT Const.), or invent words and assign their meaning (e. g. marriage). Many letters to the State of Vermont have been ignored! With all of the history of good and evil available to all, it is despicable to think it necessary for citizens to have to go the route of treason to end the destruction of the family, Jesus’ Church, and simple abundant life for the multitudes!

10/15/23 Current Events in Burlington: Hundreds Rally. Governor Scott is quoted, “I know there are some who have said there are two sides to this conflict,” he said. “In this case, the only two sides I see are good versus evil: victims on one side and those who seek to destroy Israel on the other.” So one must ask, what does Phil Scott know about good versus evil? How does Vermont government compare to Jesus, Yeshua who said whoever is not for me is against me?

“The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.” -Matthew 13:41

Crowd of people demonstrating silhouette. Oratory art, politics, revolution, takeover.

The Spirit of the living God is still working towards Vermont accountability as of 1-14-2025. “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” -Ephesians 5:11 It is most convenient that incumbent Phil Scott got re-elected for a fifth term as governor… The de facto State of Vermont, the least religious State in the Union, has acted criminally towards Jesus’ Church, a Holy Nation. It stands in the way of sinners and silences the voice of eternal Christ Jesus and His Church. Men and Women, none perfect: some greedy, cruel, and dishonest corrupt power as history always proves. Specifically, the State of Vermont is run by anti-Christ Freemason secret society. Christ Jesus and His Church provide a way of Salvation whereas secular societies do not! Freemasonry pits civilization against barbarism, the 21st century against the 3rd century, those who sanctify life against those who glorify death. “Rise up, O God; defend Your cause! Remember how the fool mocks You all day long.” Psalm 53:1

“The rule of law refers to the regulation of the relationship between the state and individuals by pre-established and knowable laws. The state, no less than the individuals it governs, must be subject to and obey the law. The state’s obligation to obey the law is central to the very existence of the rule of law. Without this obligation, there would be no enforceable limit on the state’s power over individuals….”

President Samuel Adams warned, “I have long been convinced that our enemies have made it an Object, to eradicate from the Minds of the People in general a Sense of true Religion & Virtue, in hopes thereby the more easily to carry their Point of enslaving them.” The following (below) is barely a glimpse of the spiritual decline and moral chaos upon the Land.

“Put the Constitution back in Vermont schools”

Justice Josiah Brewer wrote on February 29, 1892, “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian” [Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 143 U.S. 457-458, 465-471, 36 L ed 226. (1892)]

Benjamin F. Morris began compiling The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States about 1853. He understood this labor of love because at that time there were already forces in America which were seeking to deny the Christian origins and foundation and destroy the dominantly Christian nature of our Constitution and laws.

Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
whited sepulcher? ; AE911Truth. Serious rebuke: The Living God will not acknowledge “lip service!
The State of Vermont, a defacto goverment, is operating in-line with “Crimes against Humanity” (Also see: Blasphemy)

“Among the mature, however, we speak a message of wisdom—but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.” -1 Corinthians 2:6

The Vermont”berg” trials will be modeled after the Nuremberg Trials. Secular State: “When the government and legal system is separated from control of the priests or the religious establishment. The state’s values are based on systems not overtly drawn from religious examples… Communist States …are typically secular.” DK, The Book of Rule  P.s. Don’t fall for “separation church from state.”- Keep God’s love and morality in government!

The importance of Holy Bible in America: The Capitol publication (1959) makes clear that there are two revival philosophies at war with each other; atheistic communism versus the Living God.

* EXECUTIVE PROCLAMATION with witness: SECRETARY of CIVIL AND MILITARY AFFAIRS- Is this merely an appeasement to Christians? Sincere or insincere in referencing Holy Scripture (1st paragragh)? Governor Phil Scott did not attend this event on the Capitol Lawn. Signed in the year A.D. (In the year of our Lord Jesus Christ.) AS Christ Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, I can only pray for the Governor because he is way off course mixing secularism with the sacred teachings of Christ Jesus. Separation Church from State IS NOT the Living God’s Biblical reality! Mocking and giving “lip service” to the Almighty revealed in the Holy Scriptures by the State of Vermont Servants is blasphemous! Jesus’ Church is treated with contempt. The spirit of laws and treatment of the VT inhabitants manifest with secular Communism. VT leadership, or the lack thereof, is heaping sin upon sin to the limit!

You High Officials in Vermont Government, you are storing up wrath for yourselves! It is written: “For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live! -Ezekiel 18:32 However impressive your bigger than life building is to captivate and ensnare the imaginations of people, democracy is not the Divine idea. VT State demands subservience, the willingness to obey others unquestioningly. On the other hand, Jesus has Believers listening and obeying Himtest the spirits.

Preamble Declaration of Independence “… That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, …” America ALREADY LEARNED. Peaceful revolution is what Christ Jesus brings the world, and Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition page 1322 states: “but it [revolution] need not be violent in its methods and it [revolution] does not necessarily denote force or violence. TRUE CHRIST FOLLOWERS ARE NEVER EVER VIOLENT! “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” -Romans 12:21

Tom’s maternal grandfather Judge Harry W. Lindeman, “Youth need our help in building strong Christian character upon which rests the advancement of the Kingdom of God. The only practical assurance of reaching this goal in the future is that we shall continue to give our moral and financial support to such organizations as the Church and the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) that furnish the trained leadership, tested programs, and public confidence to produce these cherished results.”
America’s Gospel Preacher: Billy Graham: Are You Ready to Die. Notice the two Christian flags on the left and right of the hearse. Christian flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Saviour for whose kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.”
Thomas, Ambassador II Cor.5:20, Ambassador to Jerusalem

It is written: “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” –1 Corinthians 3:11 Eternal Christ Jesus declares: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” -Matthew 12:30

Generations of Christians in Vermont- VTANG LtCol Clyde Millington honored by Thunderbirds, year 2000. Christians DEFEND Christianity; however, seeing as America is a pluralistic/ multicultural nation, what spirit of virtue is sustaining America? Advancing secularism or Communism is unthinkable (both are void of the knowledge of a loving, Living God.) History past and present prove this!

National/International American preacher Billy Graham on communism: “Satan’s religion” (1954) ( “Has it ever occurred to you that the Devil is a religious leader and millions are worshipping at his shrine today? … The name of this present-day religion is Communism… The Devil is their god, Marx their prophet, Lenin their saint and Malenkov their high priest. Denying their faith in all ideologies, except their religion of revolution, these diabolically-inspired men seek in devious and various ways to convert a peaceful world to their doctrine of death and destruction.

Proclamation 5018 -“Year of the Bible”- President Ronald Reagan

Carnal man tries to create morality by democratic majority, science, or evolution instead of consulting God’s Holy Word.
Your eternity depends on how you answer. Picture: Reissue of a special edition. “Display until 2-18-22
State of VT acknowledges Thomas, Ambassador to Jerusalem

The Church is recognized by the legal establishment: “the religious society founded and established by Jesus Christ, to receive, preserve, and propagate His doctrines and ordinances.” The Church during Covid was greatly challenged to remain open for worship. “Officials” made efforts to prohibit certain churches from meeting in the city of Burlington and towns of Essex Jct. and Williston, but were thwarted because Churches are not public buildings, but houses of worship beyond the control of State. Critical annotation: Before the secular State existed Jesus’ Church.

Jesus: Children come. Nothing funny about perverting children: Repent!
Jesus’ True Church, BFP
VT Governor Phil Scott operating under Color of Law

When politics undermines our theology, we must examine that politics. The church’s role is to change the world through the life and love of Jesus Christ. The government’s role is to serve the common good by protecting justice and peace, rewarding good behavior while restraining bad behavior (Romans 13). When that role is undermined by political leadership, faith leaders must stand up and speak out. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.” –Reclaiming Jesus

Jesus: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”Matthew 12:30. Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10 A secular state is a state or country that purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion; however, this is a damnable lie from evildoers! Just barely scratching the surface: Vermont Corruption.

Secular secret society’s sinful fingerprints are all over the issues!

[C]ounterfeits do not advertise what they are really doing, and people by the millions are deceived. ‘Deception comes in convincing fashion, wearing the garb of authenticity, supported by the credentials of intelligence, popularity, and even a touch of class.’” -Edmund C. Gruss, Cults and The Occult 

2-1-2022 Prison guards, inmates suffering: UVM study (Thomas, Ambassador is part of the Church at Prison)

Trying to legalize Prostitution in Burlington: “The Burlington City Council voted unanimously on Monday to consider eliminating ordinances that prohibit prostitution” SEVEN DAYS 7-12-21. ALso Abortion Prop 5 Governor Phil Scott, cannot you discern what spirit this is declaring war on the Bible and Christians?

Religion in VT ” 37% reported no religion, the highest rate of irreligion of all U.S. states.[131] The Pew Research Center also determined the largest religion was Christian.”

Our Children our future at risk, Economic Growth or Strong Families and Communities? -Bill Schubart

“Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. I really shudder for the future of our country. Someone must not only win the war, but also the peace.” -General George S. Patton Jr. –The Unknown Patton, Charles M. Province; page 99; ©1983

Citizens/People: The spiritual alarm for danger is sounding! The fox is in the henhouse! Secular Vermont Government is perverting God’s holy and sacred life! Silencing the Holy Scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ in the public arena including public schools, prisons, etc. is not an intelligent idea… acts like this are evil and damnable (subject to Divine condemnation)! LAW: Blasphemy Repent you evildoers! Choose life!

“… if you take away religion, you cannot hire enough police.” -February 8, 2011, Harvard Professor Clay Christensen, the Robert & Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School (Original source: William Federer)

What was ancient is also modern. Evil clothes itself in national domination as did the Axis powers in WW II, as groups trying to corrupt a neighborhood, or individuals attempting to exploit the weak and vulnerable. Those who sell themselves to evil are often very cunning. They use the threat of violence and violence itself to achieve their end. Shrewd in avoiding the law, they sometimes even corrupt the law enforcement forces to do their bidding.Robert Branson, Vol.35, No. 4

German sociologist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann coined the phrase “the Spiral of Silence” after witnessing Hitler and his ilk (kind) intimidated citizens until they were afraid to speak out against the most horrible evils imaginable: the mass slaughter of human beings. Noelle-Neumann said that a society falls into this fearful state, the Spiral of Silence, when it allows a tiny majority of the population to control the conversation. Most people are by nature reluctant to go against the tide of public opinion. Others are frightened, so the majority is silenced. (Source: Chuck Colson) Adolf Hitler came through democracy!

“The victory for freedom of thought recorded in our Bill of Rights recognizes that in the domain of conscience there is a moral power higher than the State. Throughout the ages, men have suffered death rather than subordinate their allegiance to God to the authority of the State. Freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment is the product of that struggle.” Supreme Court of the United States, Girouard v. US, April 22, 1946

The rights of conscience are, indeed, beyond the just reach of any human power. They are given by God, and cannot be encroached upon by human authority, without a criminal disobedience of the precepts of natural, as well as revealed religion. It is written: “All day long they twist my words; all their schemes are for my ruin.” -Psalm 56:5

Typical Oath of Office on a Holy Bible

President Biden denounces communism: “Communism is a failed system, universally failed system. I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute. But that’s another story.”

Secular Vermont and Communist China Relations (The struggle is not so much with the common Chinese people, but with the principalities and powers in high places.)

VT Governor Phil Scott and PRC

(11-16-2021) America needs more than guardrails with China

The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo “blind obedience to authority and how social influences can have a negative impact on your life.” “what we as individuals can do to challenge situational and systemic power.”

Communism has been U.S.A.’s military enemy (e.g. Korean War, Vietnam War). If Communism is not an enemy of the U.S.A. presently, then the sons and daughters who fought in the past DIED IN VAIN!

Law definition: Undue Influence The hierarchy of power is defined, and the People are very weary of their authority figures.

Nuremburg Code on COVID ; (8-6-2021) Natural Health 365 on COVID Justice Benjamin Cardozo articulated the court’s reasoning: “Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient’s consent commits an assault for which he is liable in damages.” Wuhan Virus Leaked by China? Fake COVID vaccine cards

“Secularism is unconstitutional …preferring those who do not believe over those who do believe … It is the duty* of government to deter no-belief religions … facilities of government cannot offend religious principles…”  1973, Abbington v. Schempp, pp. 21,71

Page 3: “This Nation Under GodA Congressman and His MakerIn the crucial struggle being waged today for the minds and souls of men, two rival philosophies of government have staked out their claims. One is a philosophy which considers man a slave of the state. The other is a philosophy of freedom -whose proud boast is that, “Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. No one knows what the future will bring.

Excerpt Vermont Constitution Article 3: “no authority can, or ought to be vested in, or assumed by any power whatever, that shall in any case interfere with, or in any manner control the rights of conscience,”

all officers of government, whether legislative or executive, are their trustees and servants; and at all times, in a legal way, accountable to them.” -VT Article 6